In robotics, an end effector is the device at the end of a robotic arm, designed to interact with the environment. The exact nature of this device depends on the application of the robot. In the strict definition, which originates from serial robotic manipulators, the end effector means the last link (or end) of the robot. At this endpoint the tools are attached. In a wider sense, an end effector can be seen as the part of a robot that interacts with the work environment. This does not refer to the wheels of a mobile robot or the feet of a humanoid robot which are also not end effectors?they are part of the robot's mobility.
譲る give in give over give up possession make over move over(地位を) pass on pass over set over turn over(会社を〜に) yield to(場所・道・席などを〜に) yield up
カンチレバー (cantilever) とは、片持ち梁(ばり)のことである。
電気めっきで使っているプロセスを電着 (electrodeposition) と呼ぶ。
- Resonance frequency is propotional to 1/L. - Friction at the micro scale is proportional to the normal force + contact area- Double layer force Main article: Double Layer (interfacial) A surface in a liquid may be charged by dissociation of surface groups (e.g. silanol groups for glass or silica surfaces [11] ) or by adsorption of charged molecules such as polyelectrolyte from the surrounding solution. This results in the development of a wall surface potential which will attract counterions from the surrounding solution and repell co-ions. In equilibrium, the surface charge is balanced by oppositely charged counterions in solution. The region near the surface of enhanced counterion concentration is called the electrical double layer (EDL). The EDL can be approximated by a sub-division into two regions. Ions in the region closest to the charged wall surface are strongly bound to the surface. This immobile layer is called the Stern or Helmholtz layer. The region adjacent to the Stern layer is called the diffuse layer and contains loosely associated ions that are comparatively mobile. The total electrical double layer due to the formation of the counterion layers results in electrostatic screening of the wall charge and minimizes the Gibbs free energy of EDL formation.
GSWT method Graduate Student with Tweezers
Controllable制御可能とは, 任意のインプットに対し,任意のアウトプットを実現できること. reachable to any states by any given inputs
Observable観測可能とは by observing the output and can guess what's going on in (probably) in the states, or the inputs.
deflection 【名】 それること 〔計器{けいき}の〕ふれ 偏差{へんさ}、偏向{へんこう}、偏位{へんい} たわみ
electrostrictive actuator 《機械》電歪{でんわい}アクチュエーター
強磁性 (きょうじせい、Ferromagnetism) とは、隣り合うスピンが同一の方向を向いて整列し、全体として大きな磁気モーメントを持つ物質の磁性を指す。そのため、物質は外部磁場が無くても自発磁化を持つことが出来る。 室温で強磁性を示す単体の物質は少なく、鉄、コバルト、ニッケル、ガドリニウム(18℃以下)である。 単に強磁性と言うとフェリ磁性を含めることもあるが、日本語ではフェリ磁性を含まない狭義の強磁性をフェロ磁性と呼んで区別することがある。なおフェロ (ferro) は鉄を意味する。
超音波(ちょうおんぱ)とは人間の耳には聞こえない高い振動数をもつ弾性振動波(音波)。物理的な利用が可能で、人が聞くことができない音である。 ultrasonicとは用は音波
In mechanics, the net force (also known as resultant force) is the overall force acting on an object when all the individual forces acting on the object are added together.
Electropermanent Magnetic Connectors and Actuators: Devices and Their Application in Programmable Matter
remanence 【名】 《電》残留磁気{ざんりゅう じき} remanence coercivity 残留保磁力{ざんりゅう ほじりょく} remanence curve 残留曲線{ざんりゅう きょくせん} state of remanence 残留磁気状態